A New Way of Controlling Claims is Here

Sorm Restoration Contractors Association


The Assignment of Claim may not be able to be used in Texas, New Mexico, Indiana and North Carolina due to legislation and case law preventing it, but the NIRC has been hard at work and have a new solution to give you the same benefits as the AOB/AOC.

It has taken a little time looking over all the laws and the way we have put it together not even the insurance company can deny it. Over the years we have seen insurance companies continue to try and take away the rights of policy holders and limit the abilities of contractors to service there clients through the claims process.

This service is for our Platinum Certified Contractors and now we can offer this to the states previously blocked by legislation. The National Insurance Restoration Council is dedicated to industry reform and fighting for the protection and improvement of policy holders rights through out the nation. As a continued effort we will always be reviewing laws for this nation in relation to insurance claims and fight to bring back the rights of policy holders and stop the downhill slide that we have seen over the years that has been devaluing claims and limiting the abilities of industry professionals from doing their jobs.

If you would like to learn how our way gives you the same power of the AOB/AOC please reach out to us and become a member today.

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